Impacting lives One Human at a time...

Are you searching for the missing piece? Not sure what it takes to feel happy, run a successful business or grow your business?

You're probably just a step or two away from finally feeling fulfilled. We are here to show you how to find the last few pieces of the puzzle to happiness, personal and business growth. We can help...

business consulting, business coaching, business growth, business goals, personal goals, life coaching, personal coaching, personal growth

Empowering Humans In The Digital World

No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others.

The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.



We will bring you to the next level of YOUR success.

We provide a personalized coaching experience.

Our experience of raising four children, owning a business and living a fulfilled life can not be matched by any type of paper. If you’re wanting to break through the glass ceilings, jump over your obstacles then you should book a call.

Book a discovery call with us today.

business consulting, business coaching, business growth, business goals, personal goals, life coaching, personal coaching, personal growth


Scope Of Services

business consulting, business coaching, business growth, business goals, personal goals, life coaching, personal coaching, personal growth


The world’s best leaders achieve greatness by inspiring, motivating, and encouraging their teams. If you’re striving to be an effective and respected leader, you need
executive coaching
to help you grow beyond your blind spots and your limitations.

*Business & Life Coaching

business consulting, business coaching, business growth, business goals, personal goals, life coaching, personal coaching, personal growth

expert perspective on how you can effectively grow and scale your business.

Our Business Consulting Services are structured to address a company’s end-to-end business needs. We provide comprehensive services to support your business by leveraging strategy to drive people, process, information and technology considerations.

business consulting, business coaching, business growth, business goals, personal goals, life coaching, personal coaching, personal growth

Grow your business with empowering humans digital media

Are you looking for an effective way to grow your business’ brand awareness, add new customers, and increase website traffic? Then you should be on social media! We know it’s not always easy to establish and maintain the social media presence for your business. In fact, it can be difficult to find the hours, the creative or the know how to make it happen consistently.

Learn More


Our Popular eBooks/Training


10 Biggest Mistakes Direct Sellers Are Making on Facebook

It's A New World Of Business Building With Social Media And If You're Not Doing It Right You're Actually Hurting Your Business And Teaching Your Team Members How To Not Build Correctly.

Need To Upgrade Your Marketing System?

We Got You...

Watch The Demo

Created by Empowering Humans



& Brian

After spending most of our life believing that we had to put aside our own needs to take of others, we finally realized that we do not have to choose between being self-compassionate and compassionate to others.

We have learned that we can do both at the same time which provides us with a deep sense of abundance and meaning. Fortunately, the more self-compassionate we are, the more positive energy we have to care for and meet the needs of others.

We strongly believe that real life experience out weighs learning from a book. We've done everything we would want you to do, we've failed forward to learn what works and what does not. With that our negotiable goal is to help you find freedom, health and happiness.

Co-Founder Brian Cook is a United States Marine Veteran and service to others is a part of his DNA.


"It's Michelle's passion, drive and determination that lead me to working with her. She truly has a giver's heart and believes in everyone she works with. She's the little cheerleader, motivation and inspiration to help others believe that they are worth more and can achieve their goals and dreams with diligence!"

Amanda U - Business Owner

Bethany S- Entrepreneur

I was 5,000 miles from home, had my young family in tow, and recently moved to the US. Brian listened to me and my frustrations, he offered some simple bits of advice. I’ve never looked back, I highly recommend them to take your company brand and presence to the next level.

Dave S- Business Owner

Wendy S- Entrepreneur

When meeting with Brian Cook, you can expect a comprehensive discussion about your mission to empower and how to enhance your digital presence. Brian will work with you to develop a strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives, leveraging his expertise to help you get the exposure you need to succeed. He will explore various marketing efforts that can be utilized to increase your visibility, including social media, email marketing, and content creation. With his guidance, you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of your audience and the steps you can take to connect with them on a deeper level. Overall, Brian is committed to empowering you to reach new heights in your endeavors and achieve the success you deserve.

Our Mission

Creating a wealthy, global community through empowerment to be, to do and to live as humans want to live. We know that empowered humans are happy humans. They give more, do more and love more. If you want more for yourself then we want to help you achieve it.

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